Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I am forever undecided. I change things, clothes, blog names, shop names etc forever and ever. I've finally decided to change this blog and move on over to something that I think fits my life and is generic enough to include all of the randomness that my life includes. I may or may not continue to post here with my crafting things and creative stuff but for now I've moved over to so join me for a little bit of randomness, some self improvement, some pretty things and many more sunny days.

: )

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About Me

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Hello! My name is Rachel, I just recently moved into a new home with my boyfriend of 7 years. This blog is all about the things I love, sunny days, crafty things, delicious recipes and home decor! I also share with you pretty things that I love, a little bit of fashion and a whole lot of pictures of my fur baby, Bear. I'm so glad you're here!